 SHEN Feiwei,YE Wenxin.Digital Rural Construction: A Strategic Choice to Realize the Revitalization of High-quality Rural Areas[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(05):41-53.





Digital Rural Construction: A Strategic Choice to Realize the Revitalization of High-quality Rural Areas
沈费伟 叶温馨
杭州师范大学 公共管理学院, 浙江 杭州 311121
SHEN Feiwei YE Wenxin
Digital Rural ConstructionRural RevitalizationRural GovernanceStrategy Choice
The implementation of digital rural strategy is inevitably required for the promotion of the modernization and transformation of agricultural and rural areas, and also a strategic choice to realize the rural revitalization with high quality. According to the Outline of the Development Strategy of Digital Village, for the construction of digital village, we need to pay attention to the four key fields of digital production, digital life, digital ecology and digital governance, and also need the support of network resources, information resources, technical resources and human resources. From the perspective of development trend, digital rural construction follows the practical logic from traditional management to digital governance, from platform construction to resource integration, from technical service to enabling sharing, and from moderate income to long-term development. It highlights the advantages of people-centered, result-oriented, coordinated and intensive, and collaborative innovation. In order to truly release the value of digital rural construction, it is necessary to build a governance system including top-level design, system integration, technical support, application innovation and guarantee mechanism in the future, so as to turn the advantages of digital rural construction into the actual benefits of rural revitalization of high-quality development.


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