 ZHANG Huili,XIA Xianli.How Does Rural Labor Mobility Affect Farmers’ Homestead Withdrawal?[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(01):139-148.





How Does Rural Labor Mobility Affect Farmers’ Homestead Withdrawal?
张慧利 夏显力
西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
ZHANG Huili XIA Xianli
Rural Labor MobilityHomestead WithdrawalMasking EffectRiskSocial Network
In the context of the high vacancy rate of rural homesteads in China, the mechanism of how rural labor mobility affects the withdrawal behavior of rural households’ homesteads needs to be clarified urgently. This paper uses the micro-survey data of 803 rural households in Lu County, Sichuan and Pingluo County, Ningxia, to empirically study the impact of rural labor mobility on farmers’ homestead withdrawal behavior. The results of the study show that, rural labor mobility will promote the withdrawal of rural households’ homesteads, and the positive impact increases with the increase of the mobility distance. Further research finds that rural labor mobility has significantly increased the income of rural households, but the intermediary role of rural household income is shown as a "masking effect". The explanation mechanism’s results show that risks from the market, system, and society have a significant inhibitory effect on the withdrawal behavior of rural households’ homesteads, and are heterogeneous from social networks. And from the perspective of social network heterogeneity, those risks have a greater inhibitory effect on the withdrawal behavior of rural households with low social networks. Therefore, it is recommended to actively guide high-income groups that meet the requirements of urbanization out of "semi-urbanization", break the barriers to the exit of rural households’ homesteads from the three dimensions of market, system, and society, and help rural households to further expand their social networks to fill the gaps in the social structure of urban-rural division.


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