 Huang Huichun,Xu Zhangxing,Qi Yan.Did Rural Land Circulation and Scale-land Management Decrease Credit Constraint on Rural Households? Evidences from Case of Jiangsu Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2016,16(06):109-120.





Did Rural Land Circulation and Scale-land Management Decrease Credit Constraint on Rural Households? Evidences from Case of Jiangsu Province
黄惠春 徐章星 祁艳
南京农业大学 金融学院/江苏农村金融发展研究中心, 江苏 南京 210095
Huang Huichun Xu Zhangxing Qi Yan
Using the survey data of 695 rural households in Jiangsu Province, we established Endogenous Switching Regression Model to evaluate the determinants of influence of rural land circulation and scale -land management on the credit constraint on rural households. The results showed that:in the tradi-tional loan model, the credit needs and the supply of credit by finance institutions were not structurally matched; the actual land size and the existence of land rent-in had significant negative effect on the loan size per unit of farm land, which indicated that with the increase of production scale, the rural households’ loan intensity declined and they were liable to be credit constrained. Compared with the Heckman Two-stage Model, the Endogenous Switching Regression Model, which achieves the separa-tion of demand and supply effects, is more efficient and reliable in both theoretical and empirical study.


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