 YANG Zhihui,LI Xiaochun.The Impact of Pollution Control and Productivity Improvement on Employment[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(01):127-138.





The Impact of Pollution Control and Productivity Improvement on Employment
杨志辉 李晓春
南京大学 商学院, 江苏 南京 210093
YANG Zhihui LI Xiaochun
Rural Revitalization StrategyModern AgricultureRural Ecological EnvironmentH-T ModelGreen DevelopmentAgricultural Pollution Control
In the context of the implementation of the national rural revitalization strategy, we expand the H-T model by introducing pollution control and production efficiency indicators, and a three-sector dual economic theory model was constructed to investigate the impact of agricultural pollution control and production efficiency improvement on urban and rural employment from the perspective of consumer utility. According to the theoretical research, strengthening agricultural pollution control has a good employment effect, which increases the employment in urban and rural sectors. Improving the productivity of agricultural labor will increase employment in modern agricultural sector, but the effect on employment in other sectors is uncertain. There is a certain substitution between a good environment and a high salary. People can tolerate a small drop in salary while enjoying a good environment. After the 2008-2017 provincial panel data to validate the theoretical research results in our country, the validation based on the results of theoretical study has been conducted further:agricultural labor productivity improvement makes urban and rural overall employment quantity slightly drop, reflecting the fact that the agricultural labor productivity improves with high income effect, but overall has a certain crowding effect on employment. In addition, when the agricultural production efficiency is lower, the promotion effect of agricultural environmental governance on rural employment is greater; when the agricultural environmental governance is worse, the promotion effect of the improvement of agricultural production efficiency on agricultural employment is greater, indicating that environmental pollution control and the improvement of production efficiency have a strong mutual influence on the employment effect, and the improvement of the overall environmental technology efficiency of agriculture is a key point in the development of modern agriculture.


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