 ZHANG Tongchao,YAN Tingwu,ZHANG Junbiao.How the Rural Cadre-farmer Relationship Affects the Farmers’ Agricultural Waste Utilization: BasedOn the Survey Data Of 1,372 Farmers In Four Provinces[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(01):150-160.





How the Rural Cadre-farmer Relationship Affects the Farmers’ Agricultural Waste Utilization: BasedOn the Survey Data Of 1,372 Farmers In Four Provinces
张童朝 颜廷武 张俊飚
华中农业大学 经济管理学院/湖北农村发展研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430070
ZHANG Tongchao YAN Tingwu ZHANG Junbiao
Relationship Between Village Cadres and FarmersFarmersAgricultural WasteSocial CapitalEnvironmental Governance
由于中国农村社会特殊性和相关市场不完善,农业废弃物资源化与乡村环境治理表现出市场配置失灵、政府干预嵌入不畅的两重特征,村干部和村基层组织内嵌乡村社会网络的特殊地位,使得干群关系在村域污染治理中的作用得到极大凸显。在村干部与村民联系日渐疏远的后税费时代,干群关系增益能否对动员农民参与农业废弃物资源化有所裨益?基于社会资本视角,本文在理论层面梳理了农村干群关系差异化特征产生的前置原因及其对农民参与农业废弃物资源化的后置影响路径,并以秸秆还田为例,利用冀鲁皖鄂1372份农户调查数据,借助Binary Probit模型对其进行检验,结果发现:①现阶段干群关系整体紧密度不高,村干部队伍结构有待优化;②在控制了个体人际交往特质差异后,干群关系增益仍被证明有助于推动农民的废弃物资源化行动,且对相关政策实施具有积极的调节作用;③紧密型干群关系通过带动示范、政策宣传和规则认同三种途径促进农民参与废弃物循环利用。鉴于此,应通过吸引人才和强化培训等优化村干部队伍结构,增强农村基层组织建设,同时从问计于民、问需于民和立信于民三个方面着手,塑造紧密型干群关系,以激发环境治理中农民集体行动的内生力量,推进农业生产性废弃物资源化利用,打通农村环境治理德政实现善治的"最后一公里"。
Due to the particularity of rural society and the imperfect development of market, the rural environmental governance in China shows the dual characteristics of market allocation failure and inefficient government intervention. Because ofembeddedness in rural social networks, the rural cadre-farmer relationship is extremely prominent in rural environmental governance. As the relationship between village cadres and villagers is not very close in the post-agricultural tax era, can the improvements of the rural cadre-farmer relationship make difference on promoting farmers to participate in agricultural waste utilization? Based on social capital theory, this paper analyzed the causes of the rural cadre-farmer relationship’s differentiation characteristics and its influence paths in farmers’ participation in agricultural waste utilization, and used the Binary Probit model to conduct the empirical tests based on the samples of 1,372 farmers’ utilization of straw returning in four provinces. It is found that:① The relationship between rural cadres and farmers still needs to be improved. ② After controlling farmers’ individual character, the rural cadre-farmer relationship can also promote farmers’ participation in agricultural waste utilization. ③ The rural cadre-farmer relationship can make farmers participate in agricultural waste utilization through demonstration path, policy propaganda path and regulation identification path. Accordingly, in order to stimulate the endogenous power of farmers’ collective action and finish in the last kilometer of perfect environmental governance, it is very essential to optimize the structure of village cadres, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations and improve the rural cadre-farmer relationship by listening to and meeting the need of farmers and wining the trust of farmers.


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