 HE Wei,WEN Jun.The Construction and Maintenance of Social Memory of ‘New Urban Residents’ in Urbanization Progress[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2018,18(04):35-46.





The Construction and Maintenance of Social Memory of ‘New Urban Residents’ in Urbanization Progress
何威 文军
华东师范大学 社会发展学院, 上海 200241
HE Wei WEN Jun
The "new urban residents" who have moved into towns and cities have gone through the "urbanization" under the government definition and at the social cognitive level. However, those "new urban residents" still sustain their life style, mode of communication, ritual behavior and social relation in their "peasants" way. This is not only a profound historical manifestation of "villagers" memory, but also the expression of the memory which is embedded in the rural collective consciousness and the life trajectory of farmers. Based on the field investigation, treating the social memory as the theoretical perspective, and taking the policy of "urbanization" as a historical background which would influence the social memory framework, this paper tries to explore the methods and paths to maintain and construct the social memory under the "new urban residents" life changing progress. Meanwhile, this paper also discusses and analyzes the construction logic and influencing factors of social memory of "new citizens" under the influence of national policy and power, so as to further deepen the understanding of the process of urbanization in China.


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