 ZHU Jianjun,ZHANG Lei,AN Kang.Study on the Impact and Path of Financial Literacy on Farmland Transfer: Based on CHFS Data[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(02):103-115.





Study on the Impact and Path of Financial Literacy on Farmland Transfer: Based on CHFS Data
朱建军1 张蕾2 安康1
1. 山东农业大学 经济管理学院, 山东 泰安 271018;
2. 内蒙古师范大学 经济学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022
ZHU Jianjun1 ZHANG Lei2 AN Kang1
Financial LiteracyFarmland TransferImpact Path
Financial literacy is an important factor that affects the asset allocation of behavior subjects, and it reflects people’s ability to make effective decisions with knowledge and skills when using and managing resources. Farmland is important asset of farmers, and the farmland transfer is the behavior of asset allocation of farmers. Whether the improvement of financial literacy can promote the farmland transfer, this answer is in favor of promoting the large-scale operation of agriculture. Based on this and the theoretical analysis of the mechanism of financial literacy affecting farmland transfer, this paper empirically analyzed the impact of farmers’ financial literacy on farmland transfer by using the data of China Household Financial Survey in 2015. The study found that farmers’ financial literacy level was low, and financial literacy had a significant positive impact on farmers’ farmland transfer. Considering the endogeneity of financial literacy, the instrumental variable method was further used to estimate the impact of financial literacy, and the results showed that the positive impact of financial literacy on farmland transfer was robust. On the impact path of financial literacy on farmland transfer, empirical analysis using mediation effect model showed that financial literacy promoted farmers to rent out farmland by promoting non-agricultural entrepreneurship and enhancing farmers’ risk preference, and to rent in farmland by enhancing farmers’ access to formal and informal credit.


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