 YANG Rongjun,CAO Yuanpeng.On the Tension between Rural Digital Empowerment and Digital Divide and Its Resolution[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(05):31-40.





On the Tension between Rural Digital Empowerment and Digital Divide and Its Resolution
杨嵘均 操远芃
华东政法大学 马克思主义学院, 上海 201620
YANG Rongjun CAO Yuanpeng
Rural RevitalizationDigital VillageDigital EmpowermentDigital DivideDigital Village Construction
Under the macro background of Rural Revitalization Strategy, rural digital development strategy came into being, the core of which is rural digital empowerment. The policy connotation of rural digital empowerment is to find endogenous power for rural development and provide new drivers, so as to solve the problems of "agriculture, rural society and farmers" and the imbalance of urban and rural development. However, the digital divide in rural society is an endogenous factor restricting rural digital empowerment. The tension between the two is endogenous and objective. Therefore, whether to resolve the tension between the two and the endogenous dilemma derived from the tension is the key to the success of the digital rural strategic practice, and also an important standard to test the effectiveness of digital rural strategic policy. To solve this problem, we need to learn from the British sociologist Giddens’ thought of "disembeding" mechanism construction, use the development concept of "disembeding empowerment", strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure, realize digital transformation, cultivate the main ability of farmers, realize individual empowerment, promote technological innovation, realize industrial empowerment and governance empowerment. In addition, in the context of China’s grassroots rural governance, we must pay much more attention to rural social party members and leading cadres’ organization and leadership.


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