 WANG Jianhua,TOU Lulu,MA Ling.Analysis of the Driving Mechanism for Farmers’ Integration into Agricultural Green Production Transformation: A Case Study of Agricultural Waste Resource Utilization[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(05):165-177.





Analysis of the Driving Mechanism for Farmers’ Integration into Agricultural Green Production Transformation: A Case Study of Agricultural Waste Resource Utilization
王建华 钭露露 马玲
江南大学 商学院/食品安全风险治理研究院, 无锡 214122
WANG Jianhua TOU Lulu MA Ling
Farmer’s CognitionFamily EndowmentAgricultural WasteResource UtilizationIntention-behavior GapAgricultural Green Production Transformation
This paper utilizes the theory of planned behavior to analyze the driving mechanism behind farmers’ utilization of agricultural waste resources, focusing on the stages of cognition, intention, and behavior. Additionally, the paper introduces the concept of family endowment to enhance the theoretical framework. The study empirically tests the theoretical mechanism using field survey data from Jiangsu Province. The findings show that:Farmers’ cognitive factors, including convenience conditions, difficulty evaluation, subjective norms, and behavioral attitudes, are significantly interrelated. The convenience of agricultural waste resource utilization directly influences farmers’ behavior and indirectly affects intention and behavior through difficulty evaluation and behavioral attitudes. Moreover, subjective norms indirectly and positively influence behavior through behavioral attitudes and intention. The characteristics of family endowment play a significant moderating role in the relationship between farmers’ intention and behavior. The stability of agricultural income and average plot area are crucial factors that influence the translation from intention to behavior. Based on these research findings, the paper proposes policy recommendations to promote farmers’ participation in agricultural waste resource utilization.


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