 CHE Jing,LIU Jie.The Development of Modern Agriculture and Its Supporting Mechanism Based on Smallholders: From the Perspective of Agricultural Governance[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(01):51-61.





The Development of Modern Agriculture and Its Supporting Mechanism Based on Smallholders: From the Perspective of Agricultural Governance
陈靖 刘洁
西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
CHE Jing LIU Jie
SmallholdersNew AgricultureModern Agricultural DevelopmentAgricultural GovernanceVillage-level Organization
The rural "industrial prosperity" needs to be based on the deep participation of smallholders in modern agriculture. From the traditional grain and cotton production to the "new agriculture" transformation of the agricultural special product market, smallholders are the most basic production and management entities. The development of modern agriculture based on this position gives rise to new requirements for the governance of public affairs. It requires the intervention of agricultural governance by local governments and village organizations. The practice of agricultural governance will affect the path and effect of smallholders participating in modern agricultural development. Based on the case of a "new agriculture" industrial demonstration village, this paper analyzes the role and influence of local government and village-level organization governance behavior on the smallholders’ participation in the "new agriculture" scale development, and discusses the villages such as "cooperation" and brokers. Social relations support for smallholders’ operations. Based on the agricultural governance practice by local government and village community organizations, the public goods provides the prerequisite for the large-scale agglomeration. Smallholders engage in the self-organization by social connections which provide the social linking mechanism for the participation of smallholders in the development of modern agriculture. In the framework of agricultural governance, the local government, village community organizations and smallholders become the basic components to build the agricultural governance system and its mechanisms. Therefore, the practicing agricultural governance in response to the needs of smallholders is an important measure to promote rural revitalization.


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