 ZHU Zhanguo,ZHANG Tong.Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience in Agricultural Enterprises under Triple Impacts: A Case Study of Wens[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(05):178-190.





Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience in Agricultural Enterprises under Triple Impacts: A Case Study of Wens
朱战国 张彤
南京农业大学 经济管理学院, 南京 210095
ZHU Zhanguo ZHANG Tong
Swine Supply Chain ResilienceEnvironmental RegulationsAfrican Swine FeverWens Foodstuff Group Co. Ltd.
Ensuring the stable operation of the pig supply chain and cultivating its resilience are pivotal for the sustainable and healthy development of the pig industry, particularly in the face of environmental regulations, African swine fever, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Wens Foodstuff Group Co., Ltd. (Wens), a leading agricultural enterprise, has successfully improved the resilience of its pig supply chain through strategic adjustments based on the "company + farmers" model. This article conducts a longitudinal time-embedded single case study to analyze Wens’ pig supply chain adjustment process, revealing the formation mechanism of resilience strategies and their interaction during various periods of impact. The study demonstrates that Wens constructed a pig supply chain resilience strategy consisting of four stages:preparation, response, recovery, and adaptation. Strengthening the collaboration between the "company + farmers" model and enhancing supply chain integration is crucial for increased economic output. The convergence of multiple impacts facilitates the development of Wens’ pig supply chain’s dual capability. The resilience strategy implemented during the "adaptation stage" extends to subsequent periods and lays the foundation for the "recovery stage." Furthermore, specific institutional factors influence the transformation of key resources to pig supply chain resilience and impact the distribution and total quantity of pig supply. Based on these findings, the article puts forward policy recommendations to alleviate significant constraints on pig supply chain resilience and promote its sustainable and healthy development based on the "company + farmers" model.


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