 CHEN Hangying.Organic Connection between Smallholders and Modern Agricultural Development: Based on the Organized Smallholders and the Modern Agriculture with Social Foundation[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2019,19(02):10-19.





Organic Connection between Smallholders and Modern Agricultural Development: Based on the Organized Smallholders and the Modern Agriculture with Social Foundation
西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院/陕西省乡村治理与社会建设协同创新研究中心, 陕西 杨凌 712100
CHEN Hangying
smallholdersmodern agricultureorganic involvementorganizedsocial foundation
Based on the current situation of peasant differentiation in rural China, this paper argues that only the small pure farmers, agricultural part-time farmers and non-agricultural part-time farmers can be included in the category of smallholders. During the development of modern agriculture, smallholders are more mutually exclusive with the development of modern agriculture, even the compatibility between them. This situation is derived from the de-organization of smallholders since the Rural Reform. Although the existing linking path is intended to organize and promote the development of smallholders, it does not play a role because its development path and mode do not effectively organize smallholders and divorce from the social foundation of rural areas in China. Therefore, this paper argues that the key to realize the organic connection between smallholders and modern agricultural development is, on the one hand, to construct new village collective organization and develop collective economy to realize the endogenous organization of smallholders, on the other hand, to reflect on the American modern agricultural model and take a way of modern agricultural development which based on the social foundation of rural China.


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