 CUI Huabin,YANG Xinyu.The Inner Logic and Optimization Path of Rural Governance in the New Era Assisted by the Experience of "Green Rural Revival Program"[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(02):27-37.





The Inner Logic and Optimization Path of Rural Governance in the New Era Assisted by the Experience of "Green Rural Revival Program"
崔华滨1 杨新宇2
1. 北京邮电大学 马克思主义学院, 北京 102206;
2. 中央财经大学 经济学院, 北京 102206
CUI Huabin1 YANG Xinyu2
Green Rural Revival ProgramRural GovernanceGovernance SystemGovernance Capability
有效治理是乡村振兴的重要内容, 更是国家治理现代化的重要组成部分, 如何提升乡村治理效能成为新时代乡村治理必须回应的关键问题。浙江省实施的"千万工程", 以乡村人居环境整治为起点, 全面完善乡村治理体系、创新乡村治理机制, 问题导向、科学路径、精准治理为增强和改进乡村治理提供了实践载体和参照样本。"千万工程"通过丰富乡村治理组织资源、激活乡村治理内生动力、推进农村精神文明建设实现乡村治理效能不断提升, 提供了树立乡村系统治理理念、优化乡村基层治理结构、协调乡村治理主体利益、创新乡村治理实践方法的经验启示。基于此, 在未来改进乡村治理中应健全治理体系, 提升治理能力; 聚焦农民关切, 突出民生导向; 构建共治格局, 改进治理效能; 坚持统筹推进, 强化多元保障。
Effective rural governance is an important component of rural revitalization and modernization of national governance. How to enhance the efficiency of rural governance has become a key issue that rural governance must respond to in the new era. The "Green Rural Revival Program" implemented in Zhejiang Province takes the improvement of rural living environment as the starting point, comprehensively improves the rural governance system, innovates rural governance mechanisms, and provides practical carriers and reference samples for enhancing and improving rural governance through its problem orientation, scientific path, and precise governance. The "Green Rural Revival Program" enriches the organizational resources of rural governance, activates the endogenous driving force of rural governance, and promotes the construction of rural spiritual civilization to continuously improve the efficiency of rural governance. It provides experience and inspiration for establishing the concept of rural systematic governance, optimizing the grassroots governance structure of rural areas, coordinating the interests of rural governance entities, and innovating rural governance practice methods. Based on this, in the future improvement of rural governance, a sound governance system should be established to enhance governance capabilities; Focusing on the concerns of farmers and highlighting the orientation of people’s livelihoods; Building a co governance pattern and improving governance efficiency; Adhere to coordinated promotion and strengthen diversified guarantees.


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作者简介:崔华滨, 男, 北京邮电大学马克思主义学院讲师; 杨新宇(通信作者), 男, 中央财经大学经济学院博士生。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01