 ZHU Peixin,SU Min,YAN Jie.Impact of Farmland Scale and Stability on Fertilizer Input: Taking Rice Production of Four Counties of Jiangsu Province as Example[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2017,17(04):85-94.





Impact of Farmland Scale and Stability on Fertilizer Input: Taking Rice Production of Four Counties of Jiangsu Province as Example
诸培新 苏敏 颜杰
南京农业大学 公共管理学院, 江苏 南京 210095
ZHU Peixin SU Min YAN Jie
This paper systematically described the impact mechanism of rented farmland scale and its use tenure stability on fertilizer input which are affected by land transfer. Based on the questionnaire survey of 191 respondents in four counties of Jiangsu Province, and using the general linear model regression and Tobit Model Regression to test the hypothesis, our estimation results showed that: farmland’s scale has a significant negative impact on fertilizer input, and the head of household’s education level has a significant negative impact on fertilizer input, while the training level of the head of household on agricultural techniques has no obvious influence, and definite lease term has a significant negative impact on the fertilizer input. From these conclusions, our suggestions are continuing to encourage land tenancy to achieve the land-scale operation and to give full play the scale use of fertilizers, thus reducing fertilizer input. Government should provide guidance, service and credibility to regulate the farmers’ farmland transfer behavior and to improve farmland’s use tenure stability, thus reducing the short-term behavior in their agricultural production. Government should be responsive to the needs of new agricultural business entities, and promote the awareness campaigns of environmentally friendly technologies and services to reduce fertilizer input and to increase crop yield of farmland and to improve the quality of crop at the same time.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-20