 CHEN Zhen,GUO Jie,OU Minghao.On the Effects of Farmers’ Risk Perception on Their Out-Transference Willingness in the Process of Capital Downward the Countryside[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2018,18(02):129-137.





On the Effects of Farmers’ Risk Perception on Their Out-Transference Willingness in the Process of Capital Downward the Countryside
陈振 郭杰 欧名豪
南京农业大学 土地管理学院/农村土地资源利用与整治国家地方 联合工程研究中心, 江苏 南京 210095
CHEN Zhen GUO Jie OU Minghao
The farmland capital circulation is plagued with "low-level predicament" and the previous studies on the factors influencing the farmland circulation willingness have failed to provide a reasonable explanation on the issue. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effects of farmer’s risk perception on the willingness of land transfer in the process of capital downward the countryside, and provide a reference for guiding the orderly circulation of farmland and improving the efficiency of rural capitalization. The Ordered Logistic Model based on the data set surveyed in Anhui is used. The results show as follows. The cognition of farmers’ awareness of various risks in the process of capitalization downward the countryside is the decisive factor affecting the willingness of the land to be transferred. The risk of over-renting and arrears of rents, the risk of re-employment and old-age security, the non-grain and even non-agricultural land, the hardening of land and the risk of abandonment significantly have inhibited the willingness of farmers to transfer. Farmers’ gender, age and household income have a significant positive effect on their willingness to transfer their land. Therefore, the enhancement of the management of agricultural land capital management, the establishment of strict industrial and commercial capital involved in agricultural access and regulatory mechanisms, the offering of employment training for older and female farmers and the improvement of the rural social security system will effectively promote the efficiency of capitalization of agricultural land.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-02-27