 ZHONG Lina,WU Huifang,LIANG Dong.Co-ordination of Village Organizations: Organizational Path of Organic Connection Between Smallholders and Modern Agriculture: Experience of Enlightenment from K Village, Heilongjiang Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(02):126-135.





Co-ordination of Village Organizations: Organizational Path of Organic Connection Between Smallholders and Modern Agriculture: Experience of Enlightenment from K Village, Heilongjiang Province
钟丽娜1 吴惠芳1 梁栋2
1. 中国农业大学 人文与发展学院, 北京 100193;
2. 山东大学 哲学与社会发展学院, 山东 济南 250100
ZHONG Lina1 WU Huifang1 LIANG Dong2
SmallholdersModern AgricultureCo-ordination of Village OrganizationsScale ManagementAgricultural Socialization Services
For its agricultural modernization, China should take the way of organizing smallholders as the main body, rather than relying on the single path of driving smallholders through the new agricultural management entities. K Village of Heilongjiang Province organizes smallholders to carry out village collective land scale management through the co-ordination of village organizations, which provides a new reference path for the organic connection between smallholders and modern agriculture. It finds that, activating the co-ordination of village organizations, and effectively organizing and mobilizing the village elite to demonstrate scale planting, both help solve the problem of agricultural land fragmentation in the early stage of scale management, and drive smallholders to organize and integrate soil production factors; By integrating resources to co-ordinate the purchase of agricultural machinery and the organization of agricultural machinery service teams, we can effectively improve the agricultural socialized service ability and activate the service momentum of the village organizations; The organizational supply of agricultural socialized services enables the smallholders to connect with the modern agriculture socialization service system, creating a protective development space for smallholders. More importantly, agricultural machinery service strengthens the village collective economy strength, and further consolidates the village organization’s agricultural production public service supply ability, which is conducive to building a long-term mechanism between smallholders and modern agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the practice of land scale management in the form of village union, fully release the development potential of village collective land scale management, and expand to form a larger scope of organizational effect.


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