 YANG Renhao,YANG Qingyuan.Impact of Farmland Certification and Lineage Network on the Transfer of Farmland:Substitute or Complement[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(03):128-138.





Impact of Farmland Certification and Lineage Network on the Transfer of Farmland:Substitute or Complement
杨人豪1 杨庆媛2
1. 比利时荷语鲁汶大学 地球与环境科学学院, 比利时 鲁汶 B3000;
2. 西南大学 地理科学学院/西部乡村可持续发展新文科实验室, 重庆 400715
YANG Renhao1 YANG Qingyuan2
Capital-flowing-to-countrysideEntry-into-market Reform of Rural Collective Commercial Construction LandAgrarian ChangeRural Revitalisation
Farmland certification and lineage network affect farmers’ farmland transfer behavior to varying degrees, as representatives offormal and informal systems respectively. Starting from institutional theory, this paper is based on China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), focuses on the interaction mechanism between the two in the process of farmland transfer, and tests the substitution effect and complementary effect. The study finds that both farmland certification and lineage network strength can significantly increase the probability of farmland transfer out. They have a substitution effect on farmers’ farmland transfer behavior. However, with the increase in the number of rural household labor transfers, land certification and lineage network intensity can perform legal guarantee and social security functions, and the substitution effect of both farmland certification and the strength of lineage network gradually becomes insignificant, and shows a trend of complementary effects. What’s more, the interaction items between farmland certification and lineage network have no significant impact on the object of farmland transfer and farmland transfer fees, but the lineage network significantly increases the probability of farmland turning to outsiders. From the perspective of system operation, the effort made at guiding the weakening of the lineage network’s intervention in farmland transactions and enhancing its role in labor transfer is of great significance to further releasing the policy effect of the farmland certification and promoting the transfer of farmland. In addition, it is urgent to further explore the mechanism of the informal system on the market-oriented transactions of agricultural land.


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